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Historical Culture in Divided Societies International Conference

Deadline: 14 September 2014 Open to: practitioners of Public History working on specific Public History projects Venue: 18-20 December 2014 in Nicosia, Cyprus


What forms does historical culture take in circumstances of rupture and division? Who are the agents, both academic and non-academic, that influence or even determine the ways people in post-conflict societies imagine their past and relate to it? To explore these and similar issues, the International Commission for the History and Theory of Historiography (ICHTH) and the Association for Historical Dialogue and Research (AHDR) are co-organising a 3-day conference exploring both theoretical approaches of the dominant historical culture in divided societies and a range of public history cultural products.

Through this conference, which will be held in Cyprus from 18-20 December 2014, the AHDR aims to create a network of interested stakeholders, who will have the opportunity to collaborate on future initiatives, including joint projects applications and funding opportunities, thus offering an invaluable platform for the exchange of information, knowledge and capacity building.


Scholars, researchers and independent practitioners with an involvement in conceptualising, designing and implementing projects that exemplify new directions with dealing with the past and addressing wide audiences are invited to submit a proposal for a presentation at the conference. Proposals should be in relation to either ongoing or completed projects related specifically to the development of Public History cultural products.


Selected individuals will be provided with a maximum amount €500 to cover their accommodation travel expenses.


In order to apply you must submit a title, short abstract (250 words maximum), a brief description of the affiliated institution and a brief CV to:

The deadline for submissions is 14 September 2014. All applicants will be notified by e-mail on whether their papers have been accepted.

For any questions please contact, or visit the official website :

by FOFANA O .Kerfala

Founder of Together As One

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Dr. Hassan Sahbi

The President of

Moulay Ismail University, Meknes 

He is expressing how much he is eager to help the  youth .

We Thank him for his earnest efforts and contributions to the development of Africa


Mr.Fofana O.Kerfala

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