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Woman should be educated in Africa by ToGether As One

These three women are setting to be example of situation of illiterate women in West Africa; they are sellers of traditional fast-food, as you see in the image, the food is not cover, the dust can cover the foods anytime. It can transmit disease to any consumers. Therefore children are more victims than any other categories. The woman on the right side, she is pregnant approximately seven or eight month’s pregnancy, setting under the sun, near the firewood on back side. The health of child is about 98% in danger; also she can give birth with hereditary disease and other sickness etc.

By Fofana O. Kerfala

Founder of Together As One

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Dr. Hassan Sahbi

The President of

Moulay Ismail University, Meknes 

He is expressing how much he is eager to help the  youth .

We Thank him for his earnest efforts and contributions to the development of Africa


Mr.Fofana O.Kerfala

The Founder of  UACD


Prof.Ousnane  SOUARE

Co-Founder  UACD


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