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The main objective of illegal-immigrants in Morocco is not to live in Morocco; they want to pass through Morocco to Spain (Europe). But it is not always easy as they imagined before leaving their home country.

Those will have a chance to cross the sea, are not telling the reality to the others who are not yet take the road. They hide all difficulties they have faced during their journey (pretending like an easy journey) by motivating the others to come. Once in Morocco, there is no way forward and no way for back. There, they started to discover the reality (that is not an easy task to get in Europe). In main time, they are unable to tell the truth to the others who are not leave yet the country home. They take picture in the beautiful places of Morocco by publishing their facebook and tagging the friends’ facebook, pretending like they live in a good condition in Morocco. While they are sleeping on the street corner, wildness, behind the train station, living by mendacity, making each other pregnant, and using those children for mendacity in order to attract passengers to have pity for them.

If article 4 & 26 of universal declaration of human rights are really true, the UNICEF in the local place would do something for those children, because they have no choice rather than follow their parents. They use them everyday under the sun during the summer and in the cold during winter. Most of those children are aged between 4 months to 9 years old.

Together As One as youth NGO, presently is looking for preventative-method project for sub Saharan countries to sensitize the immigrants who are already in Morocco and show their real situation to those who are not yet taken the road. (Pass through Morocco to Spain)

Most of them arrive to Morocco are aged between 17 to 29, but a lot of them cross the sea , while they are between aged 30 or 32 and arrive to Spain in the age of 32. Once they are in Europe; they started to fight for resident card after spending 10 years. Once got a resident card and start looking for job at least 2 years. So 10 , 32 plus 2 years will be 44 years of age using in vain. How many years left to live? Also with no diploma no education, lower salary what good life they are expecting? I can just say from bad to worse

Europe as an invisible mountain covered their view from the reality. So it is our duty to sensitize those who are already in Morocco and show their real situation to those who are not yet taken raod.

This will be our first event after Eid , which we are planning to hold it in Fez

By FOFANA O.Kerfala

Founder of ToGether As One

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Dr. Hassan Sahbi

The President of

Moulay Ismail University, Meknes 

He is expressing how much he is eager to help the  youth .

We Thank him for his earnest efforts and contributions to the development of Africa


Mr.Fofana O.Kerfala

The Founder of  UACD


Prof.Ousnane  SOUARE

Co-Founder  UACD


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