2015 Nudge Global Leadership Challenge
Deadline July 15, 2015
Venue : Holland
You can nominate yourself until July 15, 2015.

After this date Nudge together with the global organisation partner and the country support partner will be looking for the best in class per country. On September 1, 2015 the best nominee per country will be made known on our website. Shortly before this date, all nominees will have been informed by e-mail.
Criteria for participation
We are looking for young professionals from all working fields and industries who want to make a difference. You meet the following criteria:
- minimum bachelors degree or equivalent
- ideally at least 2 years work experience
- 23-33 years old
- fluent in English (verbal and written)
- clear affinity for sustainability
Your first step, a digital assessment:
The challenge starts before you travel to Amsterdam: to get a better understanding of who you are, we will send you a digital assessment one month prior to your arrival in the Netherlands. The assessment is meant to support your development as a leader in sustainability during the three day challenge.
What are the costs? If you are selected as the best nominee in your country, your participation fee (including hotel nights during the challenge) and travel expenses will be covered by the Country Support Partner.
To Apply fill the link below :
Copy and Paste https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KXXG5o0JjJsTo5aVcmZpVuCOsifwgCDo7y4ixhPst54/viewformhttps://docs.google.com/forms/d/1KXXG5o0JjJsTo5aVcmZpVuCOsifwgCDo7y4ixhPst54/viewform
If you are interested in finding out more or if you have a question about the Nudge Global Leadership Challenge, please contact Mr. Jan van Betten (Founder Nudge) or Mrs. Ilse Lettinga (Project Manager) by phone: +31 23 526 29 29 (hours: 9AM – 5PM CEST) or e-mail globalchallenge@nudge.nl.
Address details Nudge: Nudge B.V. Bloemendaalseweg 236b 2051 GM Overveen The Netherlands T: +31 23 526 29 29
www.nudge.nl (website in Dutch language only)
By FOFANA O.Kerfala
President & Founder of ToGether As One