2nd Edition of Together As One Youth Leadership Training at EST-Moulay Ismail University Meknes -Mor
Together As One and in collaboration with Global Shapers Community Meknes-Hub and Higher School of Technology Meknes organized held the Second Edition of Youth for Peace & Leadership Training on 25/26 March 2015at Ecole Supérieure de Technologie (EST) de Meknes, Morocco.

Together As One and in collaboration with Global Shapers Meknes Hub organized held the Second Edition of Youth for Peace & Leadership Training on 25/26 March 2015at Ecole Supérieure de Technologie (EST) de Meknes, Morocco.
The training provided over 110 young participants with the knowledge and skills to promote peace and culture of tolerance.
The training aims were to provide a combination of experience and knowledge from the areas of Peace and leadership necessary to develop the skills needed to effectively lead, and to maximize the interaction between participants, with the objective to increase the global competitiveness peace of national and International organizations, institutions and individuals.
Training sessions covered the following topics:
Interfaith Dialogue
Non violence communication
Ethnicity, gender and conflict
Media, stereotypes and conflict
Culture dynamic & change
The Role of Youth & Leadership) in Peace building
Along with the training sessions on issues related to peace & leadership participants were exposed to a debate contest to display and sharpen their negotiation &communication competencies.
It is note that training was facilitated by well trained Lectures & master students in the field of Peace & Youth Empowerment:
Names of facilitators:
FOFANA O. Kerfala- Founder of Together As One & Global Shaper Meknes Hub
Nabil Belmekki Co-Founder of Together As One & Lecturer
Afifa Hassainate - Member of Together As One & Lecturer
Hend Elfellak- MA student -Cultural Studies
Salma Takky Global -Shaper Meknes Hub

By FOFANA O.Kerfala
President/Founder of
Together As One