Morocco, A Common Word Among the Youth – Fully Funded Programme

Deadline: 10 June 2015 Open to: young people aged 18-35 who are to promote religious and cultural harmony Venue: 4 – 9 September 2015, Rabat, Morocco
Applications are now open for the ‘A Common Word Among the Youth’ (ACWAY) programme. This is an all-expenses paid programme that includes several training courses, two international conferences, civic activities, a TV documentary and the opportunity to be a part of a unique global network of young people. ‘A Common Word Among the Youth’ is a global initiative that will be led by young people, of different faiths to build bridges of co-existence by means of dialog and action. In ‘A Common Word Among the Youth’, the aim is to develop a multi-religious network of active youth who will deliver grass-root activities such that they become the agents of change for the coming generations.
The programme will consist of:
Selection and training of 100 young people from around the world representing the world’s major religions to become advocates of co-existence and religious harmony;
Two international conferences to provide opportunities for the young people to network and present their projects and activities to the international community;
Grass-root activities delivered by the young people on co-existence and inter-faith relations;
An online social media platform for the young people to interact and showcase their projects and activities.
In addition to the above the following pilot campaigns will be arranged:
A TV documentary with some of the young leaders involved highlighting the challenges and barriers to co-existence and some of the solutions;
A comprehensive media campaign on co-existence and cultural diversity, using TV, Radio, print media as well as social media.
To be eligible applicants have to meet following requirements:
Age between 18-35 (on 1st January 2015);
Regard oneself as being a follower/believer of one of the following religions;
Any other religion not mentioned above;
Desire for promoting religious and cultural harmony;
Experience in community activism and/or inter-religious related activities;
An evidenced commitment to effecting positive change. This commitment can come in many forms; ranging from a high level of involvement in community initiatives to social entrepreneurship or from leading responsible business practices to public service;
Leadership ability;
Ability to generate and articulate impactful ideas;
Ability to work as part of a team with people from different backgrounds and religions;
Very good command of the English language (all elements of the programme will be conducted in English);
Prepared to travel abroad (to the Middle East/Europe/US);
Prepared to commit time to the project (attend the training courses, conferences, delivering campaigns and other project related activities). This would span over 12 months in your spare time taking into account your study and/or work commitments;
Happy to be included in photos and filming that could be used in social media as well as TV and print media.
The following costs will be covered by ACWAY:
Airport transfers (as long as you arrive/depart on the specific dates);
Course material;
How to apply?
The deadline for application is 10 June 2015. For successful application is necessary to register online and fill the Application form copy and paste the link below :
It is possible to nominate the candidate. For nomination please fill the Nomination form
copy and the paste the link below :
For more information please follow the official website
FOFANA O.Kerfala
President and the Founder of Together As One