Fully paid : 6 to 12 Month Fellowships at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg

Deadline: 31 October 2015 Open to: worldwide fellows who would like to be part of the Centre’s research in 2016 with focus on Prospects and Pitfalls of Equality, Democracy, and Legitimacy in World Society Fellowship: space in fully equipped offices and a competitive stipend
Käte Hamburger Kolleg / Centre for Global Cooperation Research is a central research institute of the University Duisburg-Essen. The University of Duisburg-Essen (UDE) is located in the region with the largest number of educational institutions per square kilometer in Europe. Since its foundation in 2003, UDE has become one of the tenth largest universities in Germany. The university offers a wide range of subjects with international orientation from humanities and social sciences to engineering and natural sciences. More than 100 Bachelor and Master Programmes accommodate over 37,400 students of 130 nationalities.
Fellows will join the Centre for a period of six to twelve months - working language at the Centre is English. The Centre’s research in 2016 will focus on Prospects and Pitfalls of Equality, Democracy, and Legitimacy in World Society. They invite theoretical and conceptual contributions, discourse and narrative analysis, and also welcome empirical case studies on global and other negotiation processes beyond the nation-state.
The institute especially interested in projects that bring together theoretical insights on democratic legitimacy and participation, cultural pluralism and social equality with empirical research on their challenges and crises. The institute particularly encourages female researchers and scholars from the Global South to apply.
Fellowships include a working space in fully equipped offices and a competitive stipend commensurate with the applicant’s level of professional experience, starting at the Postdoc level.
How to apply?
The deadline for application is 31 October 2015.
Applications (in English only) should contain a:
Cover letter;
Your CV with publication list;
Concise research proposal (3-5 pages) plus one relevant publication.
Please indicate your preferred period of stay.
To Apply online copy and paste the link below :
Form more information please visit the official website : http://www.gcr21.org/
By FOFANA O.Kerfala
President and the Founder of
Together As One