The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition invites again young entrepreneurs (age 15-30) from around the world to submit their innovative ideas and projects with a societal impact, which champions and implements one or more of the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
The deadline for submission of ideas and projects is 30 June 2016.
Winners of the competition will be announced in the Entrepreneurship Summit in Berlin in October 2016 and will receive international recognition.
The Competition gives young people between the ages of 15 and 35 worldwide visibility, and the opportunity to develop their entrepreneurial potentials and creative talents, by encouraging them to submit online their innovative ideas (Best Ideas Category) and socio-entrepreneurial projects (Best Projects Category) in support of the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Those ideas and projects posted on the competition website are open for votes and comments from a global online community.
The Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition is an exciting international online program co-organized by The Goi Peace Foundation, Stiftung Entrepreneurship Berlin and Digital Experts United.
For the 2016 edition of the Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition, we have currently four United Nations Partners:
* United Nations University for Peace, Costa Rica (www.upeace.org)
* United Nations Global Compact PRME, New York (www.unprme.org)
* International Labour Organization SIYB, Geneva (www.ilo.org/siyb)
* UNESCO Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (http://en.unesco.org/gap)
We have also the great honor of currently having four competition Associates:
* The Commonwealth Youth Council -CYC (www.commonwealthyouthcouncil.com)
* The Young Americas Business Trust - YABT (www.yabt.net)
* TakingITGlobal - (www.tigweb.org)
* International Youth Employment Decade Campaign - (www.youthemploymentdecade.org)
As a very new component of the Competition starting in April 2016, young people have the opportunity to participate in an online study program at the Entrepreneurship Campus, where they can graduate with a Certificate in Entrepreneurship issued by Stiftung Entrepreneurship Berlin. This Certificate offers young people a solid qualification in entrepreneurship education, so that they may easier find an employment in their country of residence. The certificate study program is free of charge for the second round of the competition and is sponsored by The Goi Peace Foundation, Stiftung Entrepreneurship and Digital Experts United.
Call for application click here
For more information contact the address below :
Patrick U. Petit
Executive Coordinator
Representative to the United Nations
Youth Citizen Entrepreneurship Competition
By Fofana O Kerfala
Founder of Together As One