TC “Quality in Non-Formal Learning for Youth Workers” in Italy

Deadline: 6 June 2016 Open to: young leaders or youth workers interested in to develop their knowledge and skills to write Erasmus Plus projects Venue: 17-24 July 2016, Chiari (Bs), Italy
The project “Quality in non-formal learning for youth workers” is built and proposed by Fondazione Istituto Morcelliano/ Youmore Morcelli Giovani and aims to develop the knowledge and skills of active and experienced youth workers and leaders in order to plan and implement non-formal learning programs for their youth workers and offer quality training and mobility opportunities.
The project is logically developed to include several steps and ensure capacity building for youth organizations to work on increasing quality youth work and project design, focusing on non-formal learning for employment, inclusion and creativity of young people.
The project is set up towards 3 objectives connected with working with youth workers:
To raise awareness about the Erasmus+ programme and the policies and strategies that are supporting this programme so that the youth work can make a clear link between policies and programmes;
To share tools for youth leaders and youth workers on how to develop and run youth worker mobility projects on different topics such as creativity, employment and inclusion;
To provide experience in development of youth work mobility projects (both individual mobility and structured training courses).
Young leaders or youth workers interested in to develop their knowledge and skills to write Erasmus Plus projects. There will be a small group of 18 participants and trainers all together so there will be a good opportunity to share between each other and learn intensively.
Accommodation and board will be provided by the project. Board: breakfast, lunch, dinner, coffee brakes. Travel costs will be reimbursed by the maximum amount as indicated in the distance calculator of the EU depending per country:
For participants from Macedonia, Bulgaria, Malta, Spain and Lithuania the limit is EUR 275.There is no travel reimbursement for Italian participants.
How to apply?
In order to apply you should fill in the online application form latest by 6 June 2016.
For more information please check the official call.